We’re pleased to announce we’ll be joined by Chad Weininger, candidate for Mayor of Green Bay, on TUESDAY, MARCH 28.
[Note this is NOT our usually scheduled date, on the third Tuesday of each month, nor is it the March 14 date we promoted earlier. There will be no meeting on March 14 or March 21!]
Chad is currently Director of Administration for Brown County. He is a former state representative, serving two terms helping Gov. Scott Walker get his conservative reform agenda passed. He’s a former Green Bay City Clerk, where he oversaw elections.
The race for Mayor of Green Bay is particularly important because the incumbent, Eric Genrich, either looked the other way or actively condoned election interference in 2020. More recently, Genrich’s office has been caught recording private conversations taking place in public spaces in City Hall.
The Green Bay mayor’s race is hugely important — not just for the city itself, but for the state and, frankly, the nation. We are looking forward to a full house prepared to hear Chad Weininger explain why he is the right man for this job.
Please bring family, friends, and neighbors — especially those who will vote in Green Bay!
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Lawrence Town Hall
2400 Shady Court, De Pere, WI 54115

SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, March 28, at 6:30 p.m. CT, the Fox Cities Chapter of The John Birch Society is hosting Bill Hahn, CEO of The John Birch Society, at the FreedomProject Academy building in Appleton, Wisconsin. You are invited to attend, and please also invite liberty-minded friends and family to attend.
Governments around the world are taking dangerous steps to drive farmers out of business. Farmers will have their cattle herds cut, their land seized, and be forcibly removed from their farms. Sound too fantastic to be true? It’s already happened in Sri Lanka and the Netherlands — and it’s well underway in Ireland, Canada, and other countries. How long before it happens here?
Listen as Bill Hahn details the attacks and reveals the motives and players behind this insidious plan — and learn how you can help protect those who feel you and your family.
Date & Time:
Tuesday, March 28
Doors Open @ 6:00 p.m.
Event Begins @ 6:30 p.m.
FreedomProject Academy
750 N Hickory Farm Lane
Appleton, WI 54914
Cost: Free (donations appreciated)
Contact: Dave Kempen
Call or Text: 920-716-0413

The Proper Role of the Courts
Thu Mar 16th 6:00pm – 8:00pm NE-WisconsinAmericans-for-Prosperity The Village Grille, Hoffman Rd, Green Bay, WI 54301, USA

ALLOUEZ — Are you curious as to what the proper role of the courts should be? Are you aware that we have a Wisconsin State Supreme Court election in April?
The event is free but please register in advance here:
Please join Americans for Prosperity – Wisconsin as we discuss these matters. Enjoy good food and good company, and get ready for a great learning experience!
Please invite friends and family! Click the paperclip link at the above right to download a flyer you can print and distribute.
Every Life Matters: Buffet Dinner Benefit
Sat Mar 18th 4:30pm – 7:30pm Amos-CenterFundraiserSE-Wisconsin Integrity Center, 2789 S Browns Lake Dr, Burlington, WI 53105, USA

Green Bay — Under the separation of powers outlined in the constitution, the Legislature creates law, while the Court interprets the law and rules on its constitutionality. What is the role of a State Supreme Court justice, and why is judicial activism a threat to our democracy?
Candidate and former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly will answer those questions for us. He will also take questions from the audience after his presentation.
$22 Per Person ($1 ticket fee added per transaction if purchased online)
Purchase Tickets: Click here to purchase
Or mail a check (must be received by March 17th) payable toInformed Women, with your lunch choice.
Send to: Vickie Linssen – 2977 Bay Settlement Rd, Green Bay, WI 54311
Tickets must be purchased by end of day March 17th. No refunds after March 17th.
BURLINGTON — Please join us for the Every Life Matters Buffet Dinner Benefit supporting the Legal Offense Fund of the Amos Center for Justice and Liberty.
The Amos Center works to vindicate the rights of those who have been injured or have lost family members due to the hospitals’ lethal Covid 19 protocols, or those who have been injured or killed by the experimental jabs, having been denied the right to informed consent, which is required by state and federal laws and the Nuremberg Code. With your help, the Amos Center will seek justice through civil litigation against those who have killed or injured so many people in our state and nation for personal financial gain.
Our speakers will be:
Mark Bishofsky, founder of Stop the Mandate MN. He is a former respiratory therapist who was thrust into activism during the summer of 2021 after facing unconscionable vaccine mandates in the workplace and witnessing atrocities in the hospitals.
Former Rep. Timothy Ramthun, who will speak about the Right to Try amendment he authored and attempted to get passed in the legislature.
Attorney Karen Mueller, founder and general counsel of the Amos Center for Justice and Liberty. She will give an update on the center’s activities and its human resource and financial needs. She will also provide an overview of the strategic litigation plans that the Amos Center will execute in the coming months in our state and nation.
The dinner buffet will include chicken and beef entrees.
Doors open at 4:30 p.m.; dinner at 5:15 p.m.
$100 per person; register here.
Fundraiser: Chad Weininger for Mayor of Green Bay
Mon Mar 20th 5:30pm – 7:00pm NE-WisconsinFundraiser Mackinaws Grill & Spirits, 2925 Voyager Dr, Green Bay, WI 54311, USA

GREEN BAY — Please join us for an evening fundraising event on behalf of Chad Weininger, candidate for Mayor of Green Bay. For more information on Chad’s candidacy, visit his website:
$2,100 Platinum Sponsor
$1,000 Gold Sponsor
$500 Silver Sponsor
$250 Bronze Sponsor
$50 suggested donation per couple
Please make your check payable to Friends of Chad Weininger, P.O. Box 11, Green Bay, WI 54305.
To RSVP, click on the paperclip link in the above right to download the flyer or contact Heather Weininger at
Wisconsin’s Constitution and the Role of the State Supreme Court
Mon Mar 20th 11:30am – 1:30pm

The Rite Place, 1580 Bellevue St, Green Bay, WI 54311, USA
Luncheon Details
The Rite Place – 1580 Bellevue St, Green Bay
Doors Open 11:15
Program and Lunch 11:45-1:30
Choice #1 Salad
Ham and Turkey Chef’s Salad with assorted dressing selection. Dinner roll. Coffee or iced tea.
Choice #2 Hot Entree
Beef Tenderloin Steak Tips over mashed potatoes with buttered corn. Dinner roll. Coffee or iced tea.
Please invite your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. Informed Women is a non-partisan, grass roots organization. No dues or memberships. If you would like to receive our luncheon invites email us at: